We present the 16-piece Pony Boy All Star Big Band, musicians plus 4 swing dancers, approaching the performance area from different directions through the community streets, clad in tuxedos or festive dress. (past performances began with groups of horn players approaching from all four directions, playing "In The Mood" in different keys and tempos with following swing dancers.) Like a scene from the Twilight Zone, the Norman Rockwell-esque band members gently filter into the community, interacting with the space and the pedestrians, pedestrians become audience, culminating in a fun and involving set of big band music, classics and new works, with dancers seeding pedestrian participation. Locations are chosen for their center of activity, bringing focus to a site, park, or business district, or for the contrast effect of a swanky big band in a rural or suburban location. Advertising and marketing of this series piques audience interest with retro style flyers, posters, and press. An intriguing twist was the urban/rural contrast of a big band performing at a Halloween event in Auburn, alongside a bonfire, s'mores and story telling. |

you for helping us plan a winner of an event in conjunction with 4Culture's
King County Site-Specific Network... the event's biggest hit was the 16-piece
Pony Boy All-Star Big Band and swing dancers. Audience members young and
old loved the big band's smooth swinging sounds and tight, upbeat arrangements.."
- Lori Patrick, Cultural Arts Manager, City of Auburn

see the Kent performance on YouTube.com with 4 cameras split-screen! |
Members of the Pony Boy All-Star Big Band will be playing horns on bridges, behind bushes,
and amidst shopping malls as they sonically engage celebrating touring bicyclists
and passerby's in an artistic sculpture of interaction.
Culminating in a set of full big band music.
9-11:30 small horn interactions: various locations around Kent
12-3:00pm Big Band, Herbert Bayer (Mill Creek) Earthwork Park
with Andy Omdahl, Greg Lyons, Dennis Haldane, Jay Thomas, Gary Shutes, Nathan Vetter,
Dan Marcus, Jen Hinkle, Travis Ranney, Chris Fagan, Mike West, Jon Goforth, Nathaniel Schleimer,
John Hansen, Jon Hamar, Greg Williamson
http://kentwa.gov/arts/ earthworks/
The city of Kent is celebrating a bike path that connects a whole slew of interactive small parks in surprising ways... "Earthworks" encourage people to interact with their natural (and enhanced) green surroundings.
"Everyone is welcome to join the celebration! In addition to hosting the Inaugural Ride for bicyclists,
the Kent Arts Commission is excited to invite community members, arts enthusiasts and historic preservationists to the
Start Line to celebrate the restoration of the Herbert Bayer Earthwork. Attend this quick ceremony at 9:00am
and then stay to enjoy music and art activities. Or hop on your bicycle and discover art all along the way!"

Friday, July 10, 2009
noon to 1:00p.m.
Model T Auto Rally A-Y-P Expo Centennial Celebration
Meadowbrook Farm, Snoqualmie
1711 Boalch Ave, North Bend, WA 98045
The Pony Boy All-Star Big Band, under the direction of Greg Williamson, is excited to be a part of the Centennial Celebration of Seattle's 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exhibition - performing for a welcoming of the Ocean-To-Ocean Model-T Auto Rally as they come through the town of Snoqualmie, recreating the 1909 cross-country race.
The 16-piece Big Band will present marches and songs performed at and written especially for Seattle's 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exhibition; complete with old instruments and dancers in period costumes. The 1909 music will be deconstructed and collaged into a modern jazz orchestra re-interpretation. |
Thursday, July 16, 2009
7:00 - 8:30p.m.
Kirkland Waterfront Park
Kirkland Summer Parks Concert Series
Saturday, July 18, 2009
11:00am 12:00noon
Des Moines 50th Anniversary Celebration
Des Moines Marina Mainstage
thanks to 4Culture and City of Des Moines
July 27, 2007
Downtown Enumclaw
Street Fair @ 1421 Cole Street in Enumclaw
Presented by City of Enumclaw in partnership with Enumclaw Chamber of
Commerce, as part of 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2007 King County Performance
Friday, September 21, 2007
Downtown Kent First Avenue Party
1st Avenue between Gowe Street and Titus Street
Presented by Kent Arts Commission in partnership with Kent’s First
Avenue South Merchants, as part of 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2006
King County Performance Network.
September 29
Downtown Duvall
Presented by Duval Arts Council in partnership with 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2007
King County Performance Network
September 9, 2006 at 1pm
Downtown Enumclaw
1421 Cole Street in Enumclaw
Presented by City of Enumclaw in partnership with Enumclaw Chamber of
Commerce, as part of 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2006 King County Performance
Saturday, September 16, 2006 at 11am
Redmond Saturday Market
7730 Leary Way, Redmond
Presented by Redmond Arts Commission in partnership with Redmond Saturday
Market, as part of 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2006 King County Performance
September 22, 2006 at 5pm
Downtown Kent First Avenue Party
1st Avenue between Gowe Street and Titus Street
Presented by Kent Arts Commission in partnership with Kent’s First
Avenue South Merchants, as part of 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2006
King County Performance Network.
see the Kent performance on YouTube.com with 4 cameras split-screen!
October 29, 2006 at 5pm
Game Farm Wilderness Park in Auburn
2401 Stuck River Road
Presented by Auburn Arts Commission in partnership with Auburn Parks,
Arts & Recreation Teen Council, as part of 4Culture’s SITE-SPECIFIC/2006
King County Performance Network.
September 10, 2006 at 4pm
Pony Boy Records 3rd Annual Jazz
Sandpoint Magnuson Park, Seattle
free - sponsored by Pony Boy Records
noon to 5pm concert in the park with Pony Boy Records jazz artists and
performances. |